Make a tax-deductible donation online:

Donate by Check:
Make checks payable to WhiteBox Ltd and mail to:
9 Avenue B
New York, NY 10009
WhiteBox is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization
and your donation today helps build our programs.
Thank you for your support!
Join our WhiteBox leadership circles:
$2,500 – Circle of Friends
- Free entry to WhiteBox lectures, screenings and symposia. Discounted entry for ticketed performances. Reserved VIP seating with RSVP.
- Access to exclusive member events—artist and curator-led exhibition tours, artist studio visits, and VIP receptions
- Acknowledgement of your support in printed and web materials for one exhibition of your choice annually
- Acknowledgement on WhiteBox’s website
- Two complimentary tickets to one WhiteBox benefit event
- Invitation for two to one exhibition reception dinner per year with curators, artists, and top donors
- Exclusive perks for international donors—when you visit NYC, you can request
- Personalized gallery guides and tours of top shows in NYC by WhiteBox executive staff
- Scheduling of private artist studio visits based on individualized recommendations
- Organized outings with artists, curators, and arts professionals
- Art advisory consultations, benefitting from our decades of experience and insider knowledge of the New York art world
- Use of WhiteBox space for meetings
- Special limited edition artwork by an emerging artist as our thank you gift
$5,000 – Director’s Circle
All benefits of Circle of Friends, PLUS:
- Invitation to one additional reception dinner annually w/ guest (two pairs total)
- Acknowledgement of your support in printed and web materials for one additional exhibition of your choice annually (two total)
- Two additional tickets to WhiteBox benefit events (four total)
- Special limited edition artwork by an established artist as our thank you gift
Please e-mail for more info on how to join