Curated by Lara Pan
Organized by Juan Puntes
September 4 – 28, 2019
WhiteBox Harlem Art Center is pleased to present the US debut, solo exhibition of Olga Titus titled “Simsalabim,” curated by Lara Pan. The title alludes to a magic word capable of opening doors between dimensions. Titus, in her own way opens doors for the viewer, creating a space for the expansion of mind and thought into transculturism.
“Simsalabim” will be an invitation for WBXH’s complex, multifarious audiences, to become, one by one, the “Duchampian Viewer” who finishes the work on view deciphering—individually— Titus’ cosmology as purveyor of a new approach to understanding and welcoming the essence concealed in her interbred cultural identity patterns. Availed of a singular modus-operandi, Titus weaves elements of her own background, Swiss and Malay, as foil to evoke a sense of duality, both in unison creating a distinct ‘balanced tension’ or contemporary Mediatic Dharma. This will be represented by a comprehensive, 360º floor installation combined with colorized-room lighting and incisive projected graphics. A numinous mood will be created akin to those feelings evoked by spiritual abodes inspired by the sinuous Malaysian Buddhist architectures.
“Simsalabim” will create in parallel, a public panel discussion to further broach themes of cross-cultural identity expressed in Titus´ poignant installations bringing forth a healing theme quite relevant to our dynamically mixed New York City constituencies, particularly those in Harlem. The project fluctuates wholly within the realms of art appreciation in great part due to the methods employed in the piece, specifically, the exemplary Swiss modernist techniques applied. The bottom line and goals of this exhibition are to facilitate, via the lens of art, thoughtful encounters that may stimulate in the viewer social awareness, cultivate community, and broaden human perspectives leaning on the art and culture of our times, beauty, a tool.
Artist Bio:
Olga Titus was born in Switzerland to both, Swiss and Malaysian parents. Her video works include autobiographic elements alongside a experimental approach to the theme of identity, spirituality within globalization, culminating in a particular signature ´iconography´.
Her work has been shown internationally in numerous museums and galleries receiving accolades as well as several top grants and various international residencies.
Exhibition runs, September 28, 2019